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# Psychotherapeutic services

I will accompany you with respect to what is essential in your person, during the commitment process that we establish.

I use effective psychotherapy methods to induce self-awareness in my patients and encourage them to adopt new attitudes and feelings towards life. I finished my degree in psychology in 2003, and carried out extensive professional development and training in the health field. My services are personalized to attend to any situation that my patients go through: from minor circumstances to traumatic experiences.

# Workshops I teach

- # Self, for parents, teachers, schools, NGOs.
# Music therapy for therapists, trainers and children.
# Basic concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

- # Use of Mtc for Therapists, with laser acupuncture.

- # Techniques and Logotherapeutic intervention with Psychoenergetics, Mtc with laser acupuncture, focususing.

# Individual therapy

  • # Feeling a little down lately and nothing seems to cheer you up? It may be time to seek the help of a reputable professional. My Individual Therapy sessions help patients develop a positive attitude towards the most difficult situations in life. Contact me today and let me help you move forward.

  • # Are you living a situation that causes you discomfort, or going through a vital crisis?

  • # Would you like advice and accompaniment for spiritual or personal development, for your self-growth?

  • Do you feel that there is some area of your life that remains stuck, or are situations repeated throughout your personal history, that do not end as you would like?

  • Have you developed any behavioral disorder, which you feel may affect your well-being and satisfaction with your life, eg # obsessive thoughts, lack of control with food, # anxiety, # insomnia ...?

  • Do you # have difficulty finishing what you propose or frequently abandon your projects. Do you perceive that your relationships are not as successful as you would like?

  • ....

  • ......

Los tipos de problemáticas que más frecuentemente atiendo, según la descripción clinica son:

  • Trastornos del estado de ánimo (depresión, trastorno bipolar).

  • Ansiedad (fobias, ataque de pánico, agorafobia, ansiedad generalizada, trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo, hipocondría).

  • Trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (anorexia, bulimia, sobreingesta compulsiva, obesidad)

  • Disfunción sexual masculina (anorgasmia, eyaculación precoz, impotencia, bajo deseo sexual).

  • Estrés y estrés postraumático.

  • Mobbing- Acoso en el trabajo.

  • Problemas de relación interpersonal (problemas de pareja, procesos de separación, problemas familiares, de relaciones sociales, de comunicación).

  • Adicciones.

  • Trastornos de personalidad.

  • Trastornos de sueño.

  • Problemas crónicos: diabetes, migrañas…

  • Desorientación vital, crisis personales.

  • Psicotrauma.

Family therapy

If you need quality Family Therapy sessions with a certified and professional Psychotherapist, you have come to the right place. I guide my patients through each process and use various methods to help them develop a new attitude towards the most complex problems in life. Make an appointment today to find out what I can do for you.

  Psicoterapia integral   
“ En cada cultura y tradición médica anterior a la nuestra la sanación era alcanzada movilizando la energía "    Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, bioquímico, Premio Nobel de Medicina

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