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My name is Felix Larriba Catalán, I invite you to consider this space in the Welcome menu as the place to explore this Webb, a meeting place to share, through these free resources, the blog and Webb Resources . Whether you are interested in personal growth, in individual therapy, or if you are a therapist or co-therapist of any model of intervention. In the tab Who I am, I list a brief personal trajectory in the field of health, on the blog I am periodically sharing articles on health and psychology, which may be of interest to you and perhaps serve as a reflection, mind, body and psyche are a divisible whole only For the purposes of study, in the interview in this Video I relate some significant experience, of the many that life has given me, and I talk about how it is possible to integrate psychotherapy.

  Weigh both the Blog and the Webb itself according to a process in continuous creation, so do not be surprised if any section is under construction, it may take me several years to incorporate what I have in mind. I invite you to send me a Contact with your name and address to keep you informed of the progress, so that we grow together in this way, it is usually monthly, it does not contain advertising and you can unsubscribe at any time with a simple click.

If you are going through a moment of personal doubts , in which you have convinced yourself that change is not possible, I encourage you to watch this Video carefully in silence, reading and internalizing, I aspire you to seek and find the means to strengthen hope , belief, with confidence, because without a doubt I tell you that this is possible. If you have doubts about the impact that an adverse event in your life could represent, either in a specific way or during a period of time, I encourage you to take the following Questionnaire . In this other Link you have some psychoenergetic exercises, which with practice can facilitate self-regulation.

I thank you for your visit and I share with you that during this year I will publish the first volume of the book, provisional title "Psychoenergetics and Mtc with laser acupuncture, a method of health and intervention", currently immersed, in which I integrate multiple knowledge through the energy concept of the Tao (the Qi) and the Mtc. This first volume is designed to conceive health from a broader vision than that purely derived from chemical processes, as well as to induce the inherent responsibility of it, as we can take care of our mental and physical health. The second volume, I hope to publish it in 2022, integrates the knowledge of Mtc, psychology and existential logotherapy mainly, with an orientation applied to one's own health and its possible use as a complement in clinical practice.

Last but not least, if you consider hiring my services both in the field of training and in clinical practice, I invite you to visit my Services , and especially the Faqs section if it is for individual therapeutic consultation.

If you have had a good experience with the web, do not hesitate to give me a like or share it, other people can benefit from it, it is a form of recognition that feeds and motivates me especially.

I thank you in advance for any comments or suggestions.

  • Si estas atravesando algún momento de dudas personales, en las que te has convencido de que el cambio no es posible, te aliento a que mires atentamente este Video en silencio, leyendo e interiorizando, aspiro a que busques y encuentres los medios para fortalecer la esperanza, creencia, con confianza, porque sin duda alguna te participo que esto es posible.

  • Si tienes dudas sobre el impacto que a podido representar algún evento adverso de tu vida, bien de forma puntual o durante un periodo de tiempo, te animo a que realices el siguiente Cuestionario EIE-r, adultos.

  • En este otro Enlace dispones de algunos ejercicios psicoenergéticos, que con la práctica te pueden facilitar la autorregulación, y en este Vídeo te comparto de una forma clara, sencilla y amena las dos rutas del cerebro frente a posibles eventos traumáticos.

  Agradezco tu visita y te participo que espero publicar el presente año el primer volumen del libro, título provisional "Psicoenergética y Mtc con acupuntura laser, un método de salud e intervención" , actualmente inmerso, en el que integro múltiples conocimientos a través del concepto energético del Tao (el Qi) y la Mtc. Este primer volumen, esta proyectado para concebir la salud desde una visión más amplia que la puramente derivada de procesos químicos, así como para inducir a la inherente responsabilidad de la misma, como podemos cuidar nuestra salud mental y física. El segundo volumen, espero publicarlo en el 2022, integro los conocimientos de Mtc, la psicología y la logoterapia existencial principalmente, con una orientación aplicada a la propia salud y su posible utilización como complemento en la práctica clínica.

Suscríbete a nuestro boletín
Benefíciate del 50% de descuento en la primera sesión individual de consulta. Su correo electrónico NUNCA será compartido ni vendido y puede cancelar su suscripción fácilmente en cualquier momento.

¡ Su suscripción se ha confirmado !

Por último y no menos importante, si consideras contratar mis servicios tanto en el ámbito de la formación como en la práctica clínica, te invito a que visites mis Servicios, y especialmente la sección de Faqs si es para terapia individual.

     Si has tenido una buena experiencia, no dudes en regalarme un like o compartirlo, otras personas se pueden beneficiar de la misma, es una forma de reconocimiento que alimenta y me motiva especialmente.


Te agradezco de antemano cualquier comentario o sugerencia.

Tu Opinión es bienvenida

I invite you to get to know me, as well as the comprehensive psychology proposal, through the interview conducted by Dr. Sandra Barbero de Dau, a model in which logotherapy is integrated with other references and effective practices to alleviate suffering, and promote health, with some reflections on real personal events in my life, where the mind-body relationship on health is deepened, an innovative proposal where science and wisdom go hand in hand.

With the temperament one is born, the configuration of the character is part of the freedom of each person, it is a continuous process.

Therapy can be one of the resources that can help you in certain moments of life, so that you can find yourself again, reduce your suffering and project yourself into the future with the best of you, of your potential.

(Turn on sound)

video psicología integral
Potencia de la persona
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